Eternal Sunset is probably broken now

This site relies on public livestreams from Youtube. These livestreams typically last a few months before they are re-started, which creates a new URL.

I may update this site in the future, but it's not a priority right now. You can see my other projects at

If you want to make your own version, you can re-use my code. Here's the website, and the API.

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Why is there no sunset right now?

There are two big gaps in coverage. One is between Hawaii and New Zealand. This area is mostly pacific ocean and the islands there do not have any live cameras that I trust are current.

The other is the longitude covering Iran, the Caspian Sea, Kazhakstan and the Ural mountains. Most of this area is very empty and Iran is not very internet friendly.

Why doesn't this sunset look good?

Sunsets start earlier and last longer the further from the equator you are.

They look different depending on the air quality, humidity, and various other factors.

Sometimes, it's too cloudy to see any sunset.